Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friday 56

  • Grab the book nearest to you. Right now.
  • Turn to page 56
  • Find the fifth sentence
  • Post that sentence (Plus one or two if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comment section of this blog.
  • Post a link along with your post back to this blog, Starting Fresh and to Storytime with Tonya and Friends
  • Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

Here is mine from 'Blue Dahlia' by Nora Roberts. Only today I started to read this book.
"She had to speak with Roz about the seasonal employees. Who, how many, individual and group responsibilities."
This is the blurb:

Three women meet at a crossroads in their lives, each searching for new ways to grow - and find in each other the courage to take chances and embrace the future.

Stella has a passion for planning that keeps her from taking too many risks. But when she opens her heart to a new love, she discovers that she will fight to the death to protect what's hers.


Gaby317 said...

Sounds like a fun read! Thanks for stopping by Starting Fresh.

Anonymous said...

Loving your 'Friday 56' meme!

Here's mine, only I have a problem, because my book has 2 page 56's... you flip the book upside down and read a different version of the story from a diff. characters POV. Well, here it it:

'Only Revolutions' by Mark Z. Danielewski

Page 56 (Hailey's story):
"Back at the Wheel, burning rubber, my Pontiac GTO overturns limits supersonic.
Unlimiting horizons. Erotic.
Course Sam slips catatonic."

Page 56 (Sam's story):
"Back at the Wheel, I race my Oldsmobile Roadster reacquainting Hailey to speeds so beyond the horizon of her quaint emotional expertise she faints."

Princess Sousue said...

hey, cool blog!

Cass said...

Hey, nice sentence. This is kind of similar to the Teaser Tuesday Meme...uh, so you can check out mine:

Umm, being more specific, here's my page 56 sentence.

'Most of the famous people in this city are among the loneliest on the planet' -I Say Tomato by Katie Wall (p.56) It's got that chick lit-esque quality to it, tone-wise, you know that sarcastic/dry/funny kind of narrative? I'm really enjoying it so far.

Princess Sousue said...

u actually have 2 post ur answer on ur blog that's what tag's really mean. but it's fine if u don't want 2 :)